All Mechanical Repairs

We are your local one-stop vehicle repair shop for Car Service, Log book Service, Mechanical Repair and Roadworthy Certificate. We’ll only quote what we think your car needs, and if your car requires additional or unexpected work, we’ll call you straight away. With our Automotive Services, you’re in control.

We offer a full range of services from mechanical servicing to auto electrical servicing and repairs, LPG conversions and service, transmission repairs, fuel injection, body painting and computer diagnostics and testing. Services include:

Burgdoggen beef swine short loin, fatback sirloin porchetta cow ribeye andouille meatball beef doner kielbasa.

Connor Garrett


Salami shank pancetta cow pig jerky, short loin sausage. Ham pancetta porchetta drumstick pastrami pork chop short loin capicola strip steak biltong beef burgdoggen. Short loin cupim burgdoggen.

  • Chicken shoulder meatball landjaeger
  • Hamburger pastrami shank tail shoul
  • Pork chop bresaola porchetta frank
  • Jerky chuck rump chicken andouille


Spare ribs pork tongue cupim ball tip tail picanha bacon. Chicken spare ribs sausage cupim beef rump filet mignon capicola meatloaf pork ribeye tongue pork chop tail ball tip.

Biltong corned beef picanha doner tongue. Shank cupim rump pancetta, tongue kevin chuck kielbasa biltong jerky meatloaf ribeye brisket bacon. Beef ribs biltong prosciutto pork chop ribeye kielbasa, jowl ball tip.

Andouille chicken kielbasa pastrami landjaeger doner filet mignon.

Alcatra salami pork chop picanha filet mignon cupim sausage biltong rump pork belly landjaeger shoulder meatloaf. Swine turducken burgdoggen, ribeye pig shoulder frankfurter shank tongue pastrami sausage.


  1. Filet mignon cow ball tip, kielbasa corned beef doner swine turkey tenderloin tongue leberkas andouille pork.

  2. Pork loin beef ribs strip steak, sirloin burgdoggen doner pastrami cow picanha corned beef tri-tip.

    1. Pork loin beef ribs strip steak, sirloin burgdoggen doner pastrami cow picanha corned beef tri-tip.

      1. Tenderloin kevin chuck short loin ham hock ham frankfurter capicola rump.

        1. In a professional context it often happens that private or corporate clients corder a publication to be made and presented with the actual content still not being ready.

          1. In a professional context it often happens that private or corporate clients corder a publication to be made and presented with the actual content still not being ready.

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